판매가 :₩5.00
Price :$5.00
- 최종 수정일자
- Last Update
- 11/30/2015
- 제품코드
- Product Code
- D0300092
- 용량
- Size
- 280KB
- 슬라이드 수
- No. Of Slides
- 2
- 슬라이드 크기
- Slide Size
- 4:3
- 파일 형식
- File Format
- 키워드
- Keyword
- tape, description, divided, separation and analysis, scotch tape, sign, Brown, cover letter, size, visual documents, visual aids, visual data, shame, odds, three-dimensional shape, percentages, categories, visualization, range, stick, teyita, tender, creation, briefings, simple, Paper, submit, office worker, Circle, keywords, presentations, report, title, frame, visual, shapes, clean, gray, documents, shadow, company, classification, files, data
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